Digital-Voice USB-Transceiver, Software Interfaces


this page is left in English language for programmers only.

the DC4-mini is an serial-USB interface.

Linux: /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyACM1

Windows: COMxx Interface


Format of communication packets:

Byte 0 ... 0x71
Byte 1 ... 0xfe
Byte 2 ... 0x39
Byte 3 ... 0x1d
Byte 4 ... command
Byte 5 ... length
Byte 6-n ... parameters


check if DV4mini is alive (also used for automatic search):

command = 5
length = 0

no parameters

REDSTAR will return the same packet.


set RX/TX frequency:

command = 1
length = 8
parameter = 4 bytes RX qrg followed by 4 bytes TX qrg. The qrg is in Hz, MSB first


buf[6] = (unsigned char)((rxqrg>>24) & 0xff);
buf[7] = (unsigned char)((rxqrg>>16) & 0xff);
buf[8] = (unsigned char)((rxqrg>>8) & 0xff);
buf[9] = (unsigned char)(rxqrg & 0xff);

buf[10] = (unsigned char)((txqrg>>24) & 0xff);
buf[11] = (unsigned char)((txqrg>>16) & 0xff);
buf[12] = (unsigned char)((txqrg>>8) & 0xff);
buf[13] = (unsigned char)(txqrg & 0xff);

switch operating mode:

command = 2
length = 1
parameter = 

'D' = D-Star
'M' = DMR
'F' = Fusion

switch RX/TX:

command = 2
length = 1
parameter = 

'T' = TX
'R' = RX

send data (all formats):

command = 4
length = number of parameter bytes
parameter = data to be sent

this command is used to send any data via 70cm transmitter.
First switch ON the transmitter, then start sending data bytes.

Example: to send a D-Star voice stream send 12 byte packets every 20ms. To send a DMR voice stream send 36 byte packets every 30ms.

The data are routed through a fifo, therefore a timing jitter of up to 0,5 seconds is allowed.

When you are done with sending data, switch back to RX. The transmitter will be active until all data from the fifo are sent.