13cm PA for es'hail-2 NB-Transponder

Schematic and Layout



alle hier verfügbaren Layout- und Schaltungsdaten dürfen von Funkamateuren zu rein privaten Zwecken benutzt werden, es gilt sinngemäß die GNU-Public License V3. Vor allem: wer diese Daten für eigene Projekte benutzt, muss die resultierenden Dokumente seinerseits wieder kostenlos der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung stellen !

Es gibt keinerlei Gewähr für die Korrektheit der Daten. Jeder muss selbst wissen was er tut und die Dateien ggfs. an eigene Anforderungen anpassen.

Auch ist damit zu rechnen, dass ich im Laufe der Zeit immer wieder Änderungen und Verbesserungen an den Platinen vornehmen werde.

all layout and circuit data available here may be used by radio amateurs for purely private purposes, it applies mutatis mutandis, the GNU Public License V3. Above all, whoever uses this data for their own projects, must make the resulting documents available to the public again free of charge! 

There is no guarantee for the correctness of the data. Everyone has to know what they are doing and if necessary adapt the files to their own requirements. 

It is also to be expected that over the course of time I will make changes and improvements to the boards again and again.


10W PA, Stage-1 final layout

Eagle Schematic

Eagle Board

Gerber Data (the gerber file names are compatible with the PCB manufacturer JLCPCB)

Schematics picture

Assembly picture

Drill data for mounting holes (grid units: mm, cut M3 threads into the cooler)

BOM (bill of material)


30W PA, Stage-2 final layout

Eagle Schematic

Eagle Board

Gerber Data (the gerber file names are compatible with the PCB manufacturer JLCPCB)

Schematics picture

Assembly picture

Drill data for mounting holes (grid units: mm, cut M3 threads into the cooler)

BOM (bill of material)


Universal Filter or Attenuator Bboard, final layout

Eagle Schematic

Eagle Board

Gerber Data (the gerber file names are compatible with the PCB manufacturer JLCPCB)

Schematics picture

Assembly picture

Drill data for mounting holes (grid units: mm, cut M3 threads into the cooler)